Share 0 Tweet 0 Save0 0Shares I have been traveling all day. Quiet and contemplative. I pride myself on my transparency and that’s just what I intend to be…transparent. I […]
Share 0 Tweet 0 Save0 0Shares I am thankful for all of my friends and family who have stood by us through all this craziness! I am thankful for my […]
Pity train
Share 0 Tweet 0 Save0 0Shares Now I normally am a pretty strong person. The past two nights in Congo I have found myself blubbering late into the night. It […]
Great short slide show about Congo
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“living on gold should be a blessing and not a curse”
Share 0 Tweet 0 Save0 0Shares (Originally Posted Wednesday, November 24, 2010) Powerful movie about the strength and resiliency of Congolese women. We have so much to be thankful for […]
The Beginning

Share 0 Tweet 0 Save0 0Shares I have always wanted to start a blog. I was too busy, I wondered if anyone would read it, I worried that I wouldn’t […]